Colchester Lions Club

Membership Information

Membership in Lions is by invitation. If you are interested in becoming a member the Colchester Lions Club, and you know someone who is already a member in good standing, they can act as your sponsor. If you do not know a member who could sponsor you, please contact our membership chair. It is possible that arrangements can be made for a sponsor.

More information about membership in Lions Clubs and applicaton forms are available through the Lions Clubs International Membership Page


Our members are always welcome at our meetings. We have a lot of fun as we plan our events and celebrate our successes. The Colchester Lions' dinner meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month (with some exceptions for special events) at Saint Joseph's Polish Society. The dinner meetings are held from September through June. Unless otherwise specified, dinner begins at approximately 6:15 pm, with the meeting beginning at 7:00 pm. Please make sure you let our Lion Tamer know if you plan to have dinner.

The board of directors meet the fourth Wednesday of every month. Currently these meetings are also held at Saint Joseph's Polish Society. Unless specified otherwise, these meetings begin at 6:30 pm.